Massage and COVID-19

Due to the fact that massage therapy work involves maintained touch and close physical proximity over an extended period of time, there may be an elevated risk of disease transmission, including COVID-19. If you are experiencing pain/discomfort that impedes daily life or activities, massage therapy benefits may outweigh the possibility of risk. I take all of this very seriously and want to continue to provide high quality healthcare through massage. My COVID-19 precautions are as follows:

I have received BOTH of my Moderna COVID-19 vaccine doses (12/24/20 and 1/21/21)

I wear a face mask during and between each session and I am requiring that all of my clients wear a face mask. Please bring something you can wear. Please ensure that your mask fits well and covers both your nose and mouth at all times. There should not be any gaps - if you have gaps you can twist the ear loops to create a tighter fit. An N-95 mask provides the most protection to the wearer. A KN-95 is the next most protective. After that, surgical masks are preferred. Cloth masks are the least protective but still allowable. I usually wear both a cloth mask and a surgical mask together for my massage sessions. I will also have extras on hand. In the case of home visits/outcalls, all members of the household that are present must wear a face mask. This helps keep me protected as well.

Another new policy is that my clients are NOT to use the office waiting room. *****Instead of entering Suite E through the main door to our waiting room, turn left to go down the hallway. Right before you get to the staircase there is a door on the right. This is my massage room door. Please wait in the hallway near this door until I open the door to let you in. This is to increase the social distancing protocols in our office suite. The mental health therapists in our office are using the waiting room and main door, and my massage clients will be using my own massage room entrance. Thank you for following these instructions and understanding.

Please notify me if you have any cold symptoms prior to your appointment, or any unusual symptoms such as the loss of taste and smell. I've been screening everyone I may come into contact with prior to any visits. These symptoms will not be charged a late cancellation fee.

In the past 14 days, have you or ANYONE you have come into contact with experienced symptoms of:

  • loss of smell or taste

  • runny nose

  • cough

  • fever of 99.5 degrees or higher

  • sore throat

  • shortness of breath or breathing issues

  • flu-like symptoms

  • chills, muscle aches or new rashes or lesions

If so, we will need to postpone your massage.

For my office visits in Kirkland, these are the steps I am taking to increase safety.  I take each clients' temperature, as well as my own, with a thermometer. I provide each client their own separate blanket for their massage session. I use a combination of cavi wipes (cavicide), virex spray, lysol and clorox wipes to wipe down the massage table, face cradle, body cushions, pillows, session room door knobs, and of course hand/arm washing thoroughly with soap and water. I require all clients to wash their hands immediately upon entering the massage session room. There is an air purifier in the session room.

Please let me know what questions you may have. My email address is

Chelsey Swan